Real estate developers

In going through our services listed by way of example, you will undoubtedly at some point come across many during the study or implementation of your project which could prove useful to you to a greater or lesser degree.

Whether to :

  • represent you,
  • provide advice and support in the run-up, when putting together a multi-disciplinary team is not justified yet,
  • advise you to put together a multi-disciplinary team to see your project through,
  • provide assistance directly or to a team during the implementation of a project or key phases,
  • check the provisional or final acceptance operations and provision of required documents (post-intervention dossier, As-built file, etc.),
  • help you assume a position about differences of views or unravel a conflict situation,
  • obtain technical support for your estate agent or your legal experts in your relations with your potential tenant or buyer,

You can count on our entire dedication and professionalism.

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