Landlords of a construction or renovation project
Going through the heading of the professional section of our website for architects, you can get an idea of the support we can provide them which is indirectly to your advantage, in the “classic” case where the architect is your sole advisor or intermediary.
You might also find it very useful to resort directly to our services, for instance when you have not appointed an architect yet, or when you want an additional opinion to his, or when the scope or complexity of your project requires without fail a multi-disciplinary team around the architect.
In any event, whether to:
- represent you,
- give you an opinion (for all techniques) on the state of a building you wish to buy in order to renovate or transform it,
- guide you beforehand as to the technical or financial feasibility of the transformations planned in an existing building,
- guide you on how to put together a multi-disciplinary team to see your project through,
- provide assistance directly to your team during the implementation of the project or key phases,
- check the proper performance of works in progress or during key phases,
- check the provisional or final acceptance operations and provision the required documents (post-intervention dossier, As-Built file, …),
- give an opinion about a problem which arises in a building you are erecting or having transformed,
- help you unravel a conflict situation, for instance with your contractor or architect about defects or calculations for additional or alteration works,
- intervene as an arbitrator in amicable proceedings, or as a counter-expert in court proceedings in which you are involved,