Investors, institutional or otherwise
In going through our services listed by way of example, you will undoubtedly at some point come across many in your investment process that can prove useful to you to a greater or lesser degree.

Whether to:
- conduct for you the Technical Due Diligence of the property you plan to buy,
- intervene as a third party to check the proper performance of the agreements concluded by and between the seller and yourself,
- help you, directly or through support for your Project Manager, to implement the agreements concluded with your tenant,
- provide technical support for your teams during the study and implementation of investment works in your buildings,
- take stock of a building you plan to sell or of the quality of the data room you have set up,
- obtain technical support for your estate agent or your legal experts in your relations with your seller or buyer,
- help you take a position on the differences of views or to unravel a conflict situation,